I am a non-diet, weight-inclusive, fat-positive dietitian. I acknowledge and appreciate the fact that bodies come in all shapes and sizes, and that regardless of how a person’s body presents, it is valuable, worthy of taking up space, and deserving of acceptance, care and respect. I practice from a Health At Every Size (HAES®) social justice lens, which means I reject both the use of weight, size or BMI as proxies for health, and the myth that weight is a choice. The HAES® framework consists of five principles: Weight Inclusivity, Health Enhancement, Respectful Care, Eating for Well-Being, and Life-Enhancing Movement. The aim of my practice is to provide nutrition counseling that upholds these principles, while challenging weight stigma and diet culture messaging, honoring each individual’s lived experience, and facilitating values-based care. All bodies from all walks of life are welcome here, judgement-free.
I acknowledge that I have many privileges that allow me to do this work as a thin, white, cis-het, food-secure, able-bodied woman.
I also acknowledge the fact that health is a privilege, and not a moral obligation. No person, regardless of health status, is required to attain or even seek improved health in order to deserve respect, acceptance and care.